You may have noticed that two central London billboards aren’t displaying traditional adverts this week. Instead, they’re showing anonymous testimonials from those arriving in London, and those moving away. 

The responses were collected as part of the London is Changing research project, created by Central St Martins lecturer Rebecca Ross. The results give a snapshot of London’s diverse migration patterns – but the emphasis so far has been on people leaving London, often because of high housing prices .

We’ve collected together 24 of the billboards’ messages to give a flavour of the responses collected by the project so far. You can also read our interview with Ross, and discover more details about the project, here


The billboards, which are in Holborn and Aldgate, will be showing testimonies all day except between 4pm and 8pm until this Friday. You can enter your own on the project’s website until the end of the year.

All images: London is Changing and Duarte Carrilho da Graça.