Last year, an American writer called Sarah Manavis joined me on the podcast to talk about her home state of Ohio (episode 47). Due to a series of unfortunate accidents that have taken place since, she now works at the next desk from me.
And so, I asked her back, to talk about the cities of her homeland with myself and the editor of the soon-to-launch New Statesman America, Nicky Woolf. The three of us discuss why New York stinks in summer; why LA stinks the whole time; how Chicago invented an incredibly innovative transport technology with the one minor drawback of repeatedly killing people; and what kind of plane crash it would be best to die in.
Critics might say that the result is under-researched and frankly faintly rude. To which I would respond: look, we’ve had a run of Big And Serious Topics lately and it’s 34C today, cut a guy some slack.
The episode itself is below. You can subscribe to the podcast on Acast, iTunes, or RSS. Enjoy.
Jonn Elledge is the editor of CityMetric. He is on Twitter as @jonnelledge and on Facebook as JonnElledgeWrites.
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