New York’s new subway etiquette campaign has already managed to stir up controversy, mainly because of a sign reading, “Dude… stop the spread, please”, which asked men to keep their knees to themselves. In the ensuing outrage from men who just didn’t want to shut their legs, the rest of the signs have been largely ignored – but they, too, come with their fair share of attitude.
Take this one, which we can only assume is directed at aspiring athletes:
Who knew that was such a big issue.
In the spirit of the signs’ irreverant and/or mildly embarassing tone, two New Yorkers decided to act out the new subway rules while dressed in green and red body stockings. The red-stockinged character uses bad subway etiquette (eating, littering, seat-hogging); the green one corrects him:
They’ve also rebranded the campaign, from the New York transit authority’s less-than-catchy “Courtesy Counts, Manners Make a Better Ride”, to “Don’t be an ass, ride with class”. The MTA seem pretty keen on getting down with the kids/dudes, so we wouldn’t be surprised if they brought the pair on board as part of the official campaign.